Journey to Freedom.

Self Care For Serious Self Growth


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That elusive word 'freedom’ again, luring you to see if THIS time, there is something to grab on to. These romanticized ideas: 'freedom,' 'your best life,' 'your purpose,' that seem only for other know…the ones on instagram with money, with time, clearly less responsibility or those at Oprah's Sunday brunch. Ideas that seem out of reach in this 'real life.’.. when you’re overwhelmed, when you feel stuck, when you're hurting, lost or so far strayed from who you are, that you don't even believe you are 'enough' ____ (fill in the blank) to live such a life.

I know we went deep fast.

The whisper of freedom. It's a lot like love...freedom is so much our truth that when it's compromised, we can't catch a deep, satisfying, life sustaining breath.

Sure, you can go through the motions and even keep your crew afloat, but at times you feel the undertow. It can pull you under and show you the parts that are suffocating and you can feel a primal yearning for a lifeline. YES, THIS TIME, there is an opportunity to grab on to something. There IS a way…A community that is designed to be accessible to you, on your budget, with your history, current conditions and all your beautiful flaws.

Self growth is not a 'one size fits all,' nor is it a 'one style for all time.' It IS about curiosity, relationship, and courage. THIS is the place where discovering a way-the right tools, the right pace, the right style for you now, is intended to be simplified. If you feel anxious, frustrated, exhausted, disheartened or are filled with self doubt or disbelief; but hear that little voice nagging you to seize this life while you're still breathing...

You were meant to land here. We got you and we get you! Together we can find our breath and take flight.

You are NOT alone! We believe in you and if you’re willing to put in some amount of effort, we can show you how it’s possible to realize (make real) this seemingly elusive, 'freedom.' Don't overcomplicate it. Start here by joining the EleutheriaU community and we will meet you on the other side with the next step.

Join the free EleutheriaU Community today!

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By registering as a member of the Eleutheria U Community, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to the Eleutheria U Membership Community, Terms of Service.

Rachelle Bevilacqua, MS, LPC.jpg

Hi, I’m Rachelle.

I don’t know about you, but after a number of decades in this body, my life isn’t what I imagined it would be when I was younger. Here I am a single mom with two boys, from two different men, divorced, and yet finally free of any shame in telling you that…only love. I’ve discovered just how truly perfect it all is. No, I don’t mean my life is perfect…I mean I’ve learned about and from its beauty and not so seemingly beautiful. I mean, it’s happening for me-not to me; and I’ve realized just how much I am and I can, design my experience…how much more expansive I can imagine it, more embodied I can live it, and more authentically- I can celebrate it!

And…you can too!

Maybe you already ‘woke up’ to this truth but now it’s a matter of how. How? … when there is already so much to do, resources are limited (money, time, energy), people that depend on you…when there’s fear, you feel stuck, lost, or overwhelmed?


Rachelle Bevilacqua, MS, LPC, DCEP

* Please note

While Rachelle Bevilacqua is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the classes, learning labs, workshops, products and her services offered on this website are separate from and not part of her LPC psychotherapy practice. Therefore, it is not to be construed that the services of Rachelle Bevilacqua and/or the classes, learning labs, workshops, or products offered on this website are the practice of psychology, psychotherapy, medicine or any other licensed health care practice. Also, although Rachelle Bevilacqua has earned a credential from the Association for Comprehensive Psychology (ACEP) as a Diplomate Comprehensive Energy Psychology (DCEP), she is not a licensed psychologist and does not offer psychological services. Please refer to the Disclaimer for further information.

EleutheriaU was born for you!

Eleutheria means freedom. This community is a space meant to hold you in love, and provide you with tools, experiences, science, and relationships that are intended to support, inform and inspire a deep journey of self development or as I like to say…

Freeing your Essence!


Eleutheria U

is a place designed to offer you the opportunity to learn about different practices that can change your life. It’s a hub of self discovery, self growth and collective consciousness. Easy access to introductory and in-depth education that we hope will inspire you. Free techniques you can begin implementing now. Options to work 1:1; and a community to see and love you.

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How We Can Serve


Learning Labs

Interactive community based classes that are designed to teach life enhancing skills and proven strategies spanning all domains…you choose your focus and your pace. Get curious!

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1:1 Eleu Individual

Personalized, in-depth energy healing centered facilitation with Rachelle catered to your specific goals and growth.

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Corporate Wellness

Wellness workshops for your business aimed at increasing employee satisfaction, potential and well-being.

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Community Causes

We are committed to serving our local and global community. “There is no them, only us.”

James Baldwin

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Mindfulness might just be the most profound part of my journey.  Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn often refers to mindfulness as a “love affair with life.”  Don’t just say the words…feel that for a moment.  If you can’t…it’s OK.  You are not alone.  If that is an accurate reference, though, can you sense the potential in that experience? That’s the world I want for my boys.  One infused with curiosity, appreciation and presence..just like any healthy love affair. 

It may sound poetic, and it IS.’s scientific.  These days, there are a lot of neuroscientific studies that show the possible perks of practicing mindfulness.  Studies that point to improved memory and attention, enhanced empathy and creativity, lower blood pressure, more grace in our stress response and even preventing depression relapses for some.  What I find most intriguing is that mindfulness practice spontaneously gives rise to a particular sort of awareness…an awareness that holds the wisdom of emotional intelligence and the truth of freedom.  

To me, this is the foundation of everything. It’s this illumination that can allow all the tools, techniques, steps, plans, intentions to come together…that can allow life to be an accumulation of lived moments and not just the passage of time.  So, you will find mindfulness to be the foundation of this space.  It is our culture, offered with more in-depth instruction in 1:1 coaching, in courses, for our All In Athletes peak performance, and as our main corporate wellness workshops.

While Rachelle Bevilacqua can't guarantee any specific results, and the following testimonial does not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using her services for any particular issue or problem, this client reports having a positive experience.


“I wanted to tell you how grateful I am for the way you’ve brought back my meditation practice and taught me all kinds of wonderful new techniques! ”



Oils Crush

Simplistic things with big impact are my favorite.  You too?  Let me introduce you to my favorite plant medicine. 

A drop of pure essential oil can have a potent impact.  We can down regulate the nervous system, support a sharp focus, soothe worried feelings or help build a strong immune system (just to highlight a few possibilities).  The science of Mother Nature is about harmony and balance in our biology and is the gift of each and every drop of dōTERRA oils.  Designed for real solutions, safe supports, no scary side effects have been reported.

Join the free Eleutheria U. Community today!

Sign up to access FREE Intro courses

& be the first to know all of our essential oil deals!

* Please note

By registering as a member of the Eleutheria U Community, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to the Eleutheria U Membership Community, Terms of Service.