Balance is so 90’s
I recently posted on social media about this term 'work life balance.' I worked in corporate wellness for a good 9 years and still do on site seminars. It's such a common term if it's some ideal state where we are operating at our best...and are healthy.
Such a 90's idea. INTEGRATION seems so much more 'ideal' to me. Let's check it out for a moment.
Balance has a few things implied. Most definitely, it infers a divide or recognition of work and life as separate entities that we have or are acting in. It also seems to have an effort more to the tone of tension to it. We must somehow manage our 'doing' or 'acting' in such a way that there is equal weight..or value or effort given to each. Which means at times..we are denying it from one to give to the other. In essence we are only showing up with a portion of the other is reserved for the other side of the equation in some way ..whether engaged or trying intentionally to keep the divide.
Integration, on the other hand, seems to recognize boundaries, AND have an overlap of the energies..or the space that occurs. Integration typically isn't something we attain by force, or managing ..but more allowing and opening. We allow ourselves to show up for both, at once, and allow a flow. We show up with all of ourselves present...even if part is outside the overlap, it's still part of the whole and maybe just gets less attention or energy in the moment..but still whole.
I mean..isn’t this the ‘sweet spot?’ Why wouldn’t we want to live all parts of our life from this state of ‘being?!’ Can you feel the vibration of this just from looking at it? Like a sound wave…circular ripples from the center out in all directions!! Influencing everything!
Ultimately, doing comes from being. How we do, what we choose, when, with what intention and to what outcome..are all directly or indirectly influenced by our 'being.' This reminds me of that saying:
We don’t experience life as it is, we experience life as we are -- through our perceptions.
Our perceptions, our sensations, our presence...our being. Do you want to experience it fully? or or just a portion?
What if it was a relatively seamless existence?
What if the trend wasn't for clients in their mid 20's to be in session sharing how they feel guilty watching TV because they feel like they "should be doing something," at all times and how uncomfortable they are being by themselves?
What if we said..screw 'balance,' and dared to integrate…to learn to love it all?!
I want my kids to love their own company. I want my children to show up fully for all of it. It's short, but sweet for certain.
'Find your Flow' sessions are one super effective route toward this integration.
Clients report feeling: more peaceful, sleeping better, energized, lighter.. They report doing things they didn't think they could do without significant anxiety...not being triggered the same. They report changes in perspective that make them feel more FREE. This is integration, alignment and it is your BIRTHRIGHT!
Reach out if you have questions if a ‘find your flow’ session is right for you now!
‘f’ balance :)